Al Karam Hotel Apartment i Nizwa, Hayy Alturath near the Governor Office

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OmanAl Karam Hotel Apartment



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Hayy Alturath, Nizwa، B.O.Box:633، Nizwa, Hayy Alturath near the Governor Office 611, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 25 431437
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Latitude: 22.894808, Longitude: 57.567148

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ayub Sayyed


    Very good , staff is good service,near the road, I am enjoying the Hotel, Oman

  • Christina WASHINGTON

    Christina WASHINGTON


    Nice staff. Good breakfast and toiletries.

  • Arturas Medeisis

    Arturas Medeisis


    Although this is clearly a simple budget class hotel, it is obvious the proprietors go an extra mile to make your stay as homey and comfortable as possible. The rooms are plain but spacious and clean and you find in the room everything you may need down to things like shawing and sewing kits! The breakfast buffet is another example, where although it would not compete with Ritz in terms of number of offered items or presentational glamour, it had all the essentials (scrambled egg, sausages, potatoes, a few cold items) and each one of them was simple yet fresh and delicious in homemade style. So we felt really like staying at friends home: no fuss or bells and wistles, but all comfortable and very sincere. The hotel has ample parking in front and good WiFi as well. It is located slightly outside of the Nizwa city proper but with own car you are in easy reach of all attractions. Also Nizwa Mall is just 5 min drive from the hotel and actually is surprisingly large and well appointed for a small city, so it is a good and convenient stop for some travel shopping or grabbing some different meals in their food court or letting kids to play a bit in a Fun City there (including ice rink!). So overall very happy with our stay at Al Karam Hotel and visiting Nizwa and would highly recommend.

  • en

    Giuseppe Schifano


    Good value for money. Apartment with very large bedroom

  • Stéphane Neveu

    Stéphane Neveu


    Nice place with helpfull people. The breakfast is not bad and the appartments are well equiped. but it is far from the city center

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