Badr Al Sama Polyclinic i Sohar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanBadr Al Sama Polyclinic



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Sohar Roundabout, Sohar, OM Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 26 754131
internet side:
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Latitude: 24.3437032, Longitude: 56.729056

kommentar 5

  • Vishnu R nair

    Vishnu R nair


    Poor treatment

  • eldhose george

    eldhose george


    The system is manned by a team of renowned specialists and medical personnel from over 25 disciplines aggregating around 400 caring minds whom are supported by a another group of 2000 experienced nursing, paramedical and other skilled supporting staff offering all round health care to suit all individual needs. The advanced technological know how and equipments combined with expertise ensures the best in diagnostic, curative as well as preventive aspects of healthcare. As a result of years long hard work Badr Al Samaa‘s presence is felt all over GCC countries through its Al Hilal Hospital in the Kingdom of Bahrain and Badr Al Samaa Medical Centre in Dubai, Qatar and Kuwait. All our medical establishments are well equipped and have super specialities such as Cardiology, Neurology, Urology, Nephrology, Gastroenterology, Neonatology and Specialties like Anesthesiology, Psychiatry, General Medicine, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Paediatrics, General & Laparoscopic Surgery, Dermatology, Orthopaedics, ENT, Dental Surgery, Ophthalmology, Radiology, Pathology, Homeopathy and Physiotherapy. The hospitals are approved by the Ministry of Health for its adherence to the new healthcare standards and regulations for its Maternity centre. State -of -the -art-operation theatre complex, Catherization Laboratory, Imaging equipments, Endoscopy, other novelties like  ICCU, MRI Scan, C.T Scan, Mammograms, Bone Densitometer, Lithotripter 3D Echocardiography and Dialysis Unit. All our centers are open 24 hours for emergency service with mobile intensive care ambulance facility and supported with the round the clock laboratory with highest level of quality control conforming to global standards lead by a pathologist, well stocked pharmacy manned by experienced pharmacists offering, medicines and specially trained to take care of patient needs and answer your queries. Badr Al Samaa’s presence is a great relief to the corporate sector too. We offer medical service to them in the most economical manner without compromising on our professional integrity. Today we cater to more than 850 corporate clients including all major insurance  companies.

  • en

    Asa Aa


    Organised chain of hospitals in oman with professional and well trained staff

  • Hamed AL-Shukaili

    Hamed AL-Shukaili


    One of the worst private hospitals in Oman, I went to see specialist and I was waiting more than 3 hours then he asked for alot of tests to be done most of them are addational and not required as I checked with other hospitals when I told him he was upset and he could’t explain fir me why I have to do all these tests. Refuse to transfer me to another doctor within the hospital and need to do another appointment pay another fees. To be honest It was nightmare and the hospital is looking for money more than your health and benfit. Not recommended at all.

  • en



    Good service. It's good if there is a coffee shop or restaurant nearby

nærmeste Hospital

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