GGL Oman i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanGGL Oman



🕗 åbningstider

POB 1038, 63, 6th Floor, Building A399, Way No. 4011، Muscat 112, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 24 619601
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.58826, Longitude: 58.406159

kommentar 5

  • en

    Harun Ur Rashid


    GGL - They have given fantastic service during our colleagues accommodation -relocation All the staff are professional and well trained for handling and caring each and every single assets. Good job done GGL !

  • en

    Oman Muscat


    I have move my items from Oman to Calgary,Canada and GGL have packed my expensive items and personal effects which is very valuable to me and all the have arrive in my house without any damages and I would like to thank Rahul and his crew for excellent job and I would recommend GGL to everyone who is moving in and out of oman....cheers

  • the ziggyh

    the ziggyh


    Avoid this company! Storage facility is not climate controlled. It gets very hot inside, 40-50 degrees heat. They damaged my most expensive pieces of furniture, a large amethyst, an antique chair and an ottoman. They offered no compensation and no apology. Very poor service. Do not use. Please also be aware, the 5 star reviews at the bottom with no text are GGL staff (Rahul Shah).

  • en

    Krishna Chandramowlee


    GL moved my household things from Muscat to Dubai in January 2018. All fragile items were intact and the service quality was top notch both during packing in Muscat and unpacking in Dubai. I would recommend GGL for their service quality and reliability.

  • en

    Abubakar Mughal


    Too supportive and there team are best in oman to move within oman and international! !

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