Home Centre i Nizwa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanHome Centre



🕗 åbningstider

Nizwa، Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 9711 4542
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.8708248, Longitude: 57.5381463

kommentar 5

  • Siam Hussain

    Siam Hussain


    Although somewhat smaller in size than the branches in Muscat, it's quite good. Definitely well stocked and quite well-organized. Do keep me in mind that the prices of the furniture and décor in Home Center are more expensive than other furniture stores. Keep a lookout for those periods when they offer a sale when the prices seem more reasonable

  • Sulieman al azri

    Sulieman al azri


    Home center which is located inside Nizwa grand mall . Great place for home accessories and decoration. Always they have beautiful stock . Prices are expniseve but when they do discount they will be acceptable. They have two month normal and two months discount so try to get your shopping during two months discount. This branch is not like muscat branch . It doesn't have the same stock as muscat has. Less choices are available in here .as well the the staff are not that much kind as muscat. They are not available to help you and I have asked for help to get trolley but he said we don't have right know try to get for you one .

  • فارس الحروب

    فارس الحروب


    Very nice

  • Ahammed Bushar

    Ahammed Bushar


    A hub for all your home needs.

  • Othman Ali

    Othman Ali


    When he makes offer it becomes fantastic

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