Hype Fitness i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanHype Fitness


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Al Kuleiah Street, Muscat, OM Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 24 487555
internet side: www.hypefitness.me
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Latitude: 23.5857975, Longitude: 58.4243435

kommentar 5

  • en

    Roderick Arapan


    Nice place to break a sweat...

  • Prasadh Muthiah Sivasankaranathan

    Prasadh Muthiah Sivasankaranathan


    Well maintained gym with fair spread and count of equipment and facilities. Dedicated crew of trainers and administrative staff at work. Have maintained their standards over the couple of years I have seen them.

  • Daksh Tyagi

    Daksh Tyagi



  • Omania81



    Hype fitness (ladies al Atheba): At first I was excited, especially when I saw the membership was only 20 rial/month during Ramadhan , so I directly registered , but unfortunately the first time I spend there I found so many negative points that made me regret to join: These are some examples: 1. There is only one functioning running treadmill in the hall. 2. The ladies hall is like a tomb out of life, no any trainer there or anyone to orient you to the equipment - I met one lady (a member) there and asked her is this was the case everyday, she said yes the place is empty in the evening and the staff are coming only in the morning!!!! She also said that the other treadmill is broken from long time but no one is bothered to repair it !!! 3. The worst thing is the security cameras all over the ladies gym , I was soooo uncomfortable and hated it. 4. In the rest room there is a door when you open it you find yourself next to the men's room and a security camera in front of you. 5. The main door to the ladies gym is right next to the mixed area, so any ladies opening the door, you can see the men passing by looking. No wonder the registration is so cheap I recommend the owners of this place to close the ladies gym, because if they are not able to provide a proper ladies gym - that preserves ladies privacy and at the same time provide all what's needed- they better close it and go learn from other ladies gym that provide high standard services not only to men, but to the ladies as well.

  • en

    Ibrahim Alkan


    Soooooooooo baddd gym Indian songs Wi fi only for staff Strong ac Not any relaxing and any motivation sounds

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