Moosa Abdul Rahman Hassan & Co. LLC i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanMoosa Abdul Rahman Hassan & Co. LLC



🕗 åbningstider

Ghobrah, Sultan Qaboos Street, Near Baushar Municipality, Muscat, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 22 080800
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.582083, Longitude: 58.400417

kommentar 5

  • zahir A

    zahir A


    Good service but not as quick as expected

  • Sameer Al Zakwani

    Sameer Al Zakwani


    I have visited the show room with a friend who was looking for a pick up truck. The option in GMC is the sierra. Unfortunately, we stayed for around 10 minutes only. The reason is that we were ignored by the customer service. The only person who spoke to us did that for less than 30 seconds while he was away walking. 😅

  • Salim Rawahy

    Salim Rawahy


    GMC service center is good,, but any issues forwarded to GMC middle East,, just forget about it,, as they are the worse

  • Nisar Balhro Sindhi

    Nisar Balhro Sindhi


    Oman’s affinity for cars has its origins in the entrepreneurial spirit of the Moosa Group, a family owned business that pioneered the growth of the automotive sector in pre-renaissance times. Then, it was iconic brands like the Bedford and Holden that conquered dusty country roads and gave a new-found freedom to the adventurous at heart. That visionary legacy lives on today sustained by a new generation of the industrious Moosa family. With the venerable GMC as its flagship, Moosa Abdul Rahman Hassan & Co represents an exclusive portfolio of renowned automotive and equipment brands in the Sultanate. It exemplifies an enduring commitment to professionalism, quality and integrity – attributes that lie at the core of the company’s corporate success. To continuously delight customers by providing them with the very best experience in terms of vehicle ownership and service standards, via excellence in Customer Care, Human Resources, Service Standards, Customer Satisfaction, Facilities and Systems.

  • Salman Kafeel

    Salman Kafeel


    Their Honda Road outlet is awesome. Staff there is very helpful and considerate. I had a complicated requirement and they helped me out nicely. Parts are expensive though.

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