Muscat Eye Laser Center i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanMuscat Eye Laser Center



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Way 3013 Bldg. 877, Al Sarooj St. Shatti Al Qurum, Muscat 117, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 24 691414
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.6043153, Longitude: 58.4501782

kommentar 5

  • en

    Valentina Gomez


    With world renowned doctors, and being the only eye clinic in Oman with the best technology in the World, definitely this is the best eye center to go! 100% recommended

  • en

    Celia de Mayz


    The best Dra. Maria, she is excellent. She saved my son's vision. He had a very invasive Keratokonus!

  • Ali ALShoukri

    Ali ALShoukri


    One of the best eye clinic in Oman.

  • Vineeth John

    Vineeth John


    I had my pre-lasik test done at Muscat Eye Laser Center. The staff was very well informed and helped me through the process. I definitely recommend going to the doctors and medical professionals there.

  • en

    Maria George


    I went to Muscat Eye laser Center for a second opinion after I had My laser eye operation iol at Finland Eye centre and the Dr asked me what was the problem I had explained that I need a second opinion after My laser surgery and explained about my surgery and she told me that the operation was done very well . I was glad to have a second openion. The sad part is that the Dr from Muscat eye laser centre met my Dr from Finland eye centre at a Conferance who had done my surgery and bragged to her that I had gone to see her for a second opinion and was not happy with the operation done and on and on . Its so un professional for a Dr. to make such comments to spoil the relationship between a Dr and the patient I really regret going there for a second opinion and wasting my 60 riyals confidentality should be your top priority Muscat eye laser center

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