Port lotniczy Maskat i Muskat

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OmanPort lotniczy Maskat


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Muskat, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 24 519223
internet side: www.omanairports.com
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Latitude: 23.6011378, Longitude: 58.2883022

kommentar 5

  • Sadiq Abdulkader

    Sadiq Abdulkader


    Wonderful clean and neat Airport. Very Nice ambience. Even though the facilities are good but Air condition cold has to be decrease and also the rate of food court is too too high. Most of the passenger's are blue colors. They can't afford.

  • Bernard Fox

    Bernard Fox


    Terrible design for a new airport. Transit is hell as everyone is funnelled into a tiny set of transit gates. The whole area is cramped and long queues. The airport has acres of walking space but a tiny selection of generally unwelcoming places to eat and drink. They need more coffee shops to relax and unwind. The toilet facilities are appalling. No soap in the toilets and often queues in the men's ! Reason. Not enough toilets. Also the gate area seats are wooden slats. Not comfortable to sit on. Dubai way better. So if you have a choice...

  • Nazim S. Chagla

    Nazim S. Chagla


    The new Muscat Airport is beautiful with lots of shops , restaurant and their lounge are a beauty with excellent service. The immigration staff, the transfer ticketing staff, the security staff all are very nice and they treat everyone with respect and greet them with a smile. Its a real pleasure to pass through the wonderful Airport and surely Oman itself is a very friendly country with humble people . Have passed Muscat Airport few times and each time it was a real treat. Good Job by the management and I hope they maintain the high standard . The facility is very neat .

  • pl

    Jacek Sokol



  • en

    Manasa Ganesh


    As this airport is aiming to be one among the top airports by 2020, I truly think it would be there on the list. Even the duty free is too good. It is much more larger than the previous one. It is also pretty convenient. It is simply beautiful!!!! I love this airport!

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