Salalah International Airport i Salalah

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanSalalah International Airport


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Airport Road, Salalah, OM Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 23 367462
internet side:
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Latitude: 17.046261, Longitude: 54.0884225

kommentar 5

  • Richard G Raju

    Richard G Raju


    Salalah airport is the most beautiful airport in Oman. We can experience the beauty of natural and architectural combination at this airport. We also have free access of internet via WiFi by Omantel here. All infrastructure are provided and maintained here with hygiene and quality.

  • Kishore Mathew

    Kishore Mathew


    New airport is nice, improved a lot, still the counters are very less and in a busy schedule its a mess, airport authority should handle the late comers very strictly, they will arrive late to airport and try to enter the front of Que claiming about the immediate flight to catch. This requires serious action. Its the responsibility of passenger to arrive the airport at the specified time instructed by airlines. The passengers should show that manners. The counter /airline staff should not give any privilege to any such people with a reason of nationality, all are paying money and availing the facility and airport is a place which reflects an international standard and code of act.

  • Sreejith Cholayil

    Sreejith Cholayil


    Good airport for a small city like salalah.spacious and has few coffee shops inside it.

  • Shas Oman

    Shas Oman


    Reflection of oman.. calm and peaceful airport .. well maintained .. clean and neat .. good supporting staffs .. interior also built in very modern concept .. ample of parking space .. not many shops available in lounge .. exterior looks also awesome .. green gardens everywhere

  • Sebastien Gilson

    Sebastien Gilson


    Modern airport in Şalālah. Clean and well engineered. Very nice and kind service from the airport and Oman Air staff. Great kids playground near gate 3B. Oman Air lounge is quite cozy. Thank you for such a warm welcome.

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