سفير مول Safeer Mall Sohar i Sohar

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Omanسفير مول Safeer Mall Sohar



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Al Jinan Street, 321, Sohar, OM Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 26 841546
internet side: www.safeerproperties.com
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Latitude: 24.3615776, Longitude: 56.7105051

kommentar 5

  • en

    saqer al hashmi


    It's a big mall ,you can do the full shopping there .It has many famous restaurants. You can buy Sim card and it has Atm machines. A small prayers rooms are available. It has 3 or 4 main entrances .It has access for disabled people.

  • Ubaldo Barranco

    Ubaldo Barranco


    This shopping mall offers few but nice multy brand stores, you have electronics, technology, home deco, a carrefour, clothing, food court is mainly offering fast food, kids amusement park, it offers wheelchair access to all areas, jewels, a chocolate store, gaming store, watches etc. The Costa café it's nice to chill. There is no movie theater there and no restaurants. You can find most every thing you can need.

  • en

    Mahmoud Taha


    Located in Suhar city, it contains Carrefour ,shoes r us ,fun city ,food corner which has so many restaurants as mcdonalds ,Subway and more and some other restaurants.Along with Fun city which a nice place you can take your children enjoying their time and play.but unfortunately it doesn't have much branded shops like City Centre does.

  • mintu



    One of the main mall in Sohar area. Parking space is full between 8 and 10pm. Mall have hypermarket, entertainment play area for kids, food court, lifestyle shops, home decor shop, electronic shops, atms, books shop, exchange, flower shop, and hair salon for kids. We can spot resting chairs here and there.

  • en

    S S Marimuthu


    Ground floor Carrefour and other outlet, First floor Sharaf DG Electronic store, house decor supplier

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