Somerset Panorama Muscat i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanSomerset Panorama Muscat



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Al Ghubrah Al Janubiyyah، Muscat, Omán
kontakter telefon: +968 22 040000
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.5828244, Longitude: 58.4083753

kommentar 5

  • Heidy Dalumpines

    Heidy Dalumpines


    For first timers, it can be confusing locating your room since they have several towers but no worries, staff will guide you and show you the amenities along the way. Clean, big room, big fridge, kitchenette sufficient with stove, microwave, utensils the whole works. Washing machine works perfectly. Had an issue with the wifi but was fixed right away. Best thing it's connected to panorama mall, spinneys in the basement. Truly is a good deal.

  • en

    Ali Khalifa Akm


    A very good hotel. My second time to stay here. I recommend it to all. The swimming pool was small but enjoyable.

  • en

    christine hughes


    Had a wonderful 4 days with my children. Clean and tidy, very comfortable beds. Fantastic staff and friendly service. The Cannella cafe in the lobby has amazing food.

  • en

    Nabil Al-Hasan


    Excellent for long term stays. Superior customer care! Having a washer/dryer was a big advantage. It's connected to Panorama mall, a decent sized mall with a nice food court and supermarket.

  • Martin Mengele

    Martin Mengele


    Good place to stay before your flight home. Got a mall and a filling station attached to the building complex. Nice pool with infinite horizon view over Muscat. Friendly staff. Hotels kitchen has great food here as well (good cheeseburger especially!). Spacious rooms with comfy beds and a kitchen provided if you need that (with microvave, stove and washing machine). Price is reasonable here.

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