Sun Dental Centre i مسقط

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanSun Dental Centre


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First Floor, Al Khuwair Plaza, Next to McDonalds & Shell Petrol Pump, (Same Building as Palayok Restaurant & Bin Ateeq Restaurant), مسقط، Omán
kontakter telefon: +968 9596 1234
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.5963853, Longitude: 58.4187433

kommentar 5

  • Behrooz Karimkhani

    Behrooz Karimkhani


    Dr Suhail and his team in Sun Dental clinic are one of the best in muscat. I am using this clinic for many years and are happy with their services. I have recommended them also to many of my friends and mates. Recommend to you as well to try it, if you faced any problem with your teeth...

  • Umar Javed

    Umar Javed


    Inexpensive but apparently not to high on hygiene.

  • David Pinto

    David Pinto


    I highly recommend this place.. Lovely team, good Doctors and not expensive. The place is well kept.

  • en

    James M


    Been going here for years. I used to be afraid of dentists but Dr. Suhail and his colleague have a gentle touch. Prices very reasonable for the quality and reassurance of service. Thanks Suhail and marvellous team!

  • Shafiq Rahman

    Shafiq Rahman


    Yeah yeah yeah it's okay it's okay great fine

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