سوق ومخبز مسقط Muscat Bakery i Muscat

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Omanسوق ومخبز مسقط Muscat Bakery



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3519 Way, Muscat, OM Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 24 590203
internet side: www.muscatbakery.com
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Latitude: 23.5965048, Longitude: 58.4214735

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bidhin Pb


    Especially i love the different kind of delicious and yummy foods they prepared for us...

  • Caroline Mathew

    Caroline Mathew


    This place is awesome. The filafil sandwich is too good. So is the grill food. Worth the price. Vegetables are very fresh. Especially if you are looking for leafy veggies you will get them here. First of all they are very fresh and secondly it’s a big bundle. Worth the price you give

  • karun nanu

    karun nanu


    some of the products which are sold in the supermarket are little expensive. the food is really good. one of the the best restaurant where u can get Indian food in al khuwair

  • vivek naik

    vivek naik


    place where u can have south indian fast food DOSA

  • Y Chau

    Y Chau


    Small supermarket open 24 hrs. Some good quick food options.

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