Turbine and taps i Muscat

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OmanTurbine and taps



🕗 åbningstider

40 Way, Muscat, OM Oman
kontakter telefon: +968
internet side: www.sheratonoman.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.5968317, Longitude: 58.5527965

kommentar 5

  • en

    bader abdulla


    The club located in Sheraton hotel. On Tuesday they have Arabic night which was amazing its mix English amd arabic music, the DJ very good but sound system is very noisy and bad quality speakers, its really crowded after midnight. Drink price around 4 riyals. The girl by entrance Iman she is nice,help full and very friendly the bar tender Isarfel is so nice too. Thx guys u made ma night which is unexpected. For sure i will recommend that place for friends and am going to come again. U deserve 5 stars

  • en

    نجيب المحروقي


  • Anas Al Balushi

    Anas Al Balushi


    Nice music when its Techno night.

  • Hermes van Amstel

    Hermes van Amstel


    The Turbine and Taps is the cocktail bar and night club of the recently re-opened Sheraton Oman hotel in Ruwi. A female DJ plays a phenomenal set. The place is aptly decorated in faux industrial style.

  • en

    amal almoosawi


    The best place yet in town ! Finally such place opened in muscat! The place is unique ..quite comfortable service ,nice customer service...and their food is different! Is nothing like what’s around! I love it ! Perfect place to grab a bite and listen to great music

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