Muscat Bakery Hypermarket i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanMuscat Bakery Hypermarket



🕗 åbningstider

3305 Way, Muscat, OM Oman
kontakter telefon: +968
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Latitude: 23.5958786, Longitude: 58.4475255

kommentar 5

  • KB Janardan

    KB Janardan


    Good for quick bite. Lots of variety including snacks

  • en

    Priyanka Priya


    The best bakery I have ever seen.. They not only take care of your order but your preference too..!! The service they provide is osum..!! Especially the manager Rajeev is very courteous in providing the world class service.! I ordered a cake for my friend birthday who stays in Muscat.. Then I searched in google and found this bakery.. I called them one person on the other side gave me the nearest bakery contact details and it got connected to Rajeev.. He understood my concern.. And helped me in all the ways to surprise my friend with the cake.. He himself tracked the office address and get it delivered on time.. Though I am in India I could make it only because of Rajeev and Muscat bakery.. Tons of Thanks to this bakery and Rajeev for the wonderful service they have provided.. If u r luking for an osum experience.. This is the perfect place.. 😊😊👌

  • Hanoz Ahmed

    Hanoz Ahmed


    Limited variety and deals. Mainly a neighbourhood shopping market. Bright spot is the restaurant which has decent South Indian and Arabic grills

  • Alan Rodrigues

    Alan Rodrigues


    This place offers good pani poori, falafel and shawarmas.

  • Tirumala Reddy

    Tirumala Reddy


    Good place to daily food stuff, vegetables and restaurant on Tiffin items and shawarma and grill

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