Zaki Restaurant i صور

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OmanZaki Restaurant



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Sur Ash Sharqiyah Region, Near Bawan Masjid, صور 411, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 25 545221
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Latitude: 22.576401, Longitude: 59.521717

kommentar 5

  • Alan Rodrigues

    Alan Rodrigues


    Tasty food, good quantity. Friendly service.

  • mohammad rafiq

    mohammad rafiq


    Place is nice food not so good

  • vadivelan r

    vadivelan r


    Jaki Mustafa hotel standards were good once upon a time. Now you cannot expect. Specially if you are ordering food from your home. Waiting time for food delivery is minimum one hour from order time.even you are near to restaurant(around 1 or 2 kilometres) Also you have to make phone call 3 to5 times to remind them ordered food. You will not get the proper answers from the staffs .normally they used to say its coming (or),on the way, (or) they never attend phone call. Required more patience. All these above things from past ten years experience with jaki.but still ordering weekly one time with patience.

  • Roy Mathew

    Roy Mathew


    It's one of the finest restaurants in Sur.. Biryani is my favourite item in that restaurant.. Not too much masala or oil.. it's perfectly blended with spice's n aroma.. really good.. Although a variety of item's are available there.. not Very expensive.. I highly recommend this place

  • Roque Hines

    Roque Hines


    Excellent food, value for money, pathetic service

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