Aster Al Raffah Hospital, Ghubra i Mascate

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OmanAster Al Raffah Hospital, Ghubra



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Mascate 133, Omán
kontakter telefon: +968 24 618900
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Latitude: 23.5880787, Longitude: 58.406826

kommentar 5

  • Anne Muthoni

    Anne Muthoni


    I’ve never been so disappointed, i took my son to get circumcised and was referred to doctor kuldeep suri their best pediatrician “as they say” the price you pay to see him is even more than the other doctors because of his experience i think. He did the worst procedure ever and i had to go to starcare hospital to re do the circumcising after contemplating for a period of time and my instincts telling me something is not okay as he left extra skin on my boy. My heart is so broken that I have to put him in this pain of the knife again. I am yet to know if this doctor Suri is a surgeon or only consultant who takes chances.

  • raj menon

    raj menon


    I am a cardiac surgeon working at NHC, Royal Hospital, Oman. I have undergone treatment by Dr Amal Upadhyay and Dr Ashik Sainu at Aster hospital. I have had an excellent experience the way my illness was managed. I had no trouble getting an appointment. My instructions were crystal clear and procedure went smoothly. Thank you Dr Ashik Sainu for your patience and kindness. I also thank the nurses for the excellent care they gave me. You all have helped me get back to work quickly. Thank you again. 💐🙏🏻

  • Moosa Al-Maqrashi

    Moosa Al-Maqrashi


    Aster Al Raffah Hospital (Musqat , Al Ghubra) is been my favorite hospital for me and my family last 6 years. Professional experience staff. I would like to highlight some things that I would like to see them improved in this hospital (Al Raffah Al Gubra): - First Unsecured parking area. The parking in the back of the hospital which is under hospital supervisor and guard is not save and not secure at all. I have dropped a baby car chair for one hour only in the night and when I come back it was diapered already just in the time the guard left after 10 pm. There was no cameras and the guard was confidant enough that the CCTV cameras is not working and not installed in the parking so it can cover all area. If I can not leave my car and have enough confidant that its save , then I would not like and not recommend to be admitted in such hospital. I have raise I complain to the HR through e mail but no reply. And I have call as well but no real action is taken. - Second point is the left in the building it’s small and very slow and it has some programing issue as well in term of priority. We need to wait at least 10 minutes to be able to use the left. This is un convenient for the patients. - Third point is the Pharmacy waiting line. This is a complete mess. They have introduce the coin system for short time then disable it. Sometimes you enter the pharmacy you don’t know from where to start , which queue to choose and who is coming first and how is the system working. This need urgent fix as well. Thanks and I wish this points will be taken in consideration in your lovely hospital.

  • Rizwan Kazi

    Rizwan Kazi


    This is the one the best Hospitals in Muscat, with its branches all over Oman. Has among best and experienced doctors...which makes the consultation fees of this hospital higher compared to other hospitals. Staff are very good and helpful... Anyone who is looking for a good pediatric, i would recommend to see Dr. Kuldeep Suri here in Aster care.

  • Ryan 13obadilla

    Ryan 13obadilla


    When I just entered Oman & a medical exam was needed for my labor card, I took my tests here in Aster Al Raffah. The staff are very nice & very efficient. The place is clean & neat. My employer chose them as they are very fast in giving out results. I got the results on the time they committed.

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