NMC Specialty Hospital, Ghubrah i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanNMC Specialty Hospital, Ghubrah



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133 Al Ghubrah St، Muscat, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 24 502560
internet side: nmcoman.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.5863175, Longitude: 58.4101039

kommentar 5

  • Aryaaf Al Shidi

    Aryaaf Al Shidi


    Very bad service and unprofessional. Unfriendly and hostile staff.

  • Ritesh ATE

    Ritesh ATE


    doctors and laboratory services are good. Bad part is nobody answers call at reception. Even people sitting at the ground floor reception are free they don't take bookings for the first floor doctors. I had to call administration team once to get that done from the person sitting there.

  • en

    ritu srivastava


    Good team of doctors, nurses, excellent services. Good take care of me and my baby.I have been treated by dr. Sheema govind gynecologist. She is very supportive and helpful.

  • en

    David Kerridge


    I had reason to visit NMC in January for some investigations into what I thought was heartburn and reflux symptoms. The hospital staff took my symptoms very seriously and I was seen by Dr Yogeeswari of the cardiology department who were very thorough and detailed in the investigation of my symptoms. Despite not showing the classic signs of a heart issue the professionalism and persistence of Dr Yogeeswari resulted in the discovery of two dangerously narrowed arteries and I was fitted with two stents. I cannot praise the professionalism of the staff at NMC highly enough.

  • jobin joy

    jobin joy


    Excellent facilities and exceptional services. Well qualified doctors and staff members. Never went any other hospital when NMC was there well equipped with all necessities. Admire their proactive social approach for training of surrounding companies workforce regarding day to day ailments and long term lifestyle disorder issues.

nærmeste Hospital

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