Badr Al Samaa i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanBadr Al Samaa



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Muscat, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 24 488322
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.5865031, Longitude: 58.4269452

kommentar 5

  • en

    Duraid Al-Taan


    Once you enter a trained staff will take care of you with smilies all the staff are helpful and would like to serve you. Al of that in a budget prices if you compare it to another hospital in Muscat. Also they have an emergency services.

  • Ahmed Alsofy

    Ahmed Alsofy


    I visited this branch multiple times and each time was a good experience. Professional doctors and friendly staff

  • en

    Jairus Gohel


    Poor hospital and unprofessional not visit this branch specially Dr. Amar from Syria..he is crazy doctor...

  • Joseph around the globe

    Joseph around the globe


    I like the idea that you can see any specialist without taken an appointment. This makes the life easy for so many people. The paharmacy is just outside the hospital and the medications available are have good effect with reasonable price.

  • Timar Naeem

    Timar Naeem


    A good hospital if you are sick with minor diseaeses, it's very crowded during peak hours, it's very time consuming to see doctors here, thats why I don't like coming in peak hours.

nærmeste Hospital

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