Crowne Plaza Sohar i Sohar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanCrowne Plaza Sohar



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Falaj Al Qabael, Sohar 322, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 26 850850
internet side:
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Latitude: 24.4098405, Longitude: 56.5900163

kommentar 5

  • en

    bidyut Ranjan


    Good hotel to stay and party with family and friends. Staffs are very cordial. According to the hotel breakfast is not up to the mark. Overall it is a good HOTEL and pocket friendly.

  • en

    Greg Fee


    Very nice hotel, good food and atmosphere. Several restaurants to satisfy whatever you are hungry for. Highly recommended

  • Robin Varkey

    Robin Varkey


    Great Hotel. Really pleasant and clean rooms, but the thing that makes this hotel such a good place is the staff - so friendly and helpful. This hotel is truly well managed. outstanding pool & gym. Breakfast was fabulous. Hotel rates was affordable & very near to airport. I would highly recommend this nice hotel

  • Abbas UAE

    Abbas UAE


    This hotel is one of my favourites world wide. Nice clean rooms and staff are elite everyone tries to ensure you are happy . Highly recommended

  • en

    Ammar Al Hammadi


    Very poor hotel to be 5 star hotel Poor quality for breakfast for ever. Poor quality on the swimming pool there was other private customer used it to give the training for the children which mean you can enjoy on it and relaxing. I don’t recommend it and it’s no value for the money which I pay for it during my staying there.

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