Hasan Juma Backer Accomodation i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanHasan Juma Backer Accomodation


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3916 Way, Muscat, OM Oman
kontakter telefon: +968
internet side: www.hasanjuma.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 24.3937214, Longitude: 56.5821389

kommentar 5

  • عمر الصالحي

    عمر الصالحي


    مكان جميل

  • ar

    عمر الصالحي


    مكان جيد

  • Ashwin Mokashi

    Ashwin Mokashi


    This camp is situated around 1 km from Buraimi road. There is no specific road to the camp. Around the camp there is nothing, the camp is situated in the middle of nowhere. So don't expect much from here. But as it is away from the city and main road the place is very quiet. Going to market is a task, one has to walk till the main road to get lift till Falaj. From Falaj roundabout the camp is approximately 5 kms. Inside the camp, cleanliness is okay. Accommodation is on sharing basis in Portacabin's which have become old at the moment and need major refurbishing.

  • anil nalla velly

    anil nalla velly


  • Ajith v

    Ajith v


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