Duke's Bar i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanDuke's Bar



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Crowne Plaza Hotel, Muscat, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968
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Latitude: 23.6286299, Longitude: 58.4830054

kommentar 5

  • Brian Poole

    Brian Poole


    Good food and excellent view from the balcony - but currently closed for renovation.

  • en

    Diego Suarez


    Best bar in Muscat great staff the food is really good and the beers are cold. And they can make good cocktails

  • Hamada Soma

    Hamada Soma


    Nice place, but price is high relatively. It's not a place for regular Hung out with friends with rasing voices and traditional fun in the Western movies. But I guess it's because of the culture of the country not the bar.

  • en

    rajesh thakur


    Great View, Good Music, Choice of Drinks, Good Food

  • Peter Scaife

    Peter Scaife


    Nice place to eat and drink. Wait staff is great. Quiz nights on Tuesday evenings are fun. Dress code is smart casual but they allow sandals and flip flops. One of my favorite pubs in Muscat. Definitely worth a visit, if you're thirsty. Will be under renovation soon so check before you go, to make sure they're open.

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