Trader Vic's i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanTrader Vic's



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Muscat, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 24 680080
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.6165484, Longitude: 58.4646054

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ananyo Sen


    Extremely small dance floor ... this place is about music and dance .. and there is hardly any space to dance

  • Shaun Fenwick

    Shaun Fenwick


    Great food and service and atmosphere. Live band too!

  • en

    Shibu Madhav


    Good place... they have an outside lounge which is really good during winter... food also good

  • en

    Dale Pereira


    If you like a rustic and mellow ambience then this place is it. The food is amazing. They have a great view if your oudoors. Don't forget to try the Spiced Hamour which is cooked in a wood fired oven. It's not as spicy as it sounds, but the flavours are tantalizing on 'em taste buds. All in all a good place to hangout in Muscat. They also have these salsa nights if you'd like to shake a leg. . Cheers. .

  • en

    A Sabbagh


    Unlike other Trader Vic’s it’s a non-smoking venue (inside). Yet, it has a great outside-seating area. Quiet in the week days and more lively towards the weekends. The band is really delightful. Finger food is so delicious, and the staff are so friendly. Trader Vic’s standards

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