Safari Club Hyatt i Muscat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanSafari Club Hyatt



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Muscat, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 9894 0453
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Latitude: 23.6086569, Longitude: 58.4451631

kommentar 5

  • Alan Atkins

    Alan Atkins


    Good bar with live music every Friday, however it's always busy so sometimes difficult to get a drink

  • Hermes van Amstel

    Hermes van Amstel


    Next to the Grand Hyatt is a smaller building with three venues - The Havana Sports Bar downstairs, the Safari Night Club on the first floor, and a Grill Restaurant (also very nice) on the rooftop. The safari nightclub is a lively place where many single ladies show up, especially from the far east and east Africa, who are keen to strike up a conversation. A great opportunity to brush up on your Tagalog or Swahili!

  • en

    ray archer


    Getting progressively better. Peaceful place for a beer and pub grub from 7 to 9pm then progressively noisy from then on. After a bad start when live bands were blocked, the disco is now a positive feature.

  • Abu Baker Siddique

    Abu Baker Siddique


    Nice place to spend an evening. Big TV screens to watch variety of matches

  • Philip Schalkwyk

    Philip Schalkwyk


    Fantastic beef burgers! Plenty big screen tv's to watch the sport. Volume set just right to still be able to have a conversation without shouting at each other 😂 Good selection of draft beers. Overall a solid sports bar. Will definitely be back in the beer future.

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