Ras al Jinz Turtle Reserve محمية راس الجنز i Sur

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OmanRas al Jinz Turtle Reserve محمية راس الجنز



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Ras al Jinz، Sur, Oman
kontakter telefon: +968 9655 0606
internet side: www.rasaljinz-turtlereserve.com
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Latitude: 22.4256005, Longitude: 59.8273346

kommentar 5

  • Prem Khoji

    Prem Khoji


    Highly recommended and must visit for nature lovers. Well maintained place for endangered species of Turtles. Heart warming to see live egg laying process and baby Turtles gone astray being protected by the staff. Guides are well informed, patient and courteous. Turtles are tagged and monitored even after 22 years!! Museum gives lots of information on turtles. Gift shop has a variety of items for rememberance.

  • Nasserhinai91



    A beautiful place where you can watch the green turtles and how this turtles put there eggs in sand, they have 2 trips to watch the turtles ( 8:30 p.m and 4:30 a.m ) . The hotel is good but it's too noisy if you stay in ground floor rooms - near the toilet -. Also they have a small museum . The restaurant was good for breakfast and dinner. Please : follow the guide and the rules to keep the turtles in safe and peace .

  • Dr. YesJ Jagadeesan

    Dr. YesJ Jagadeesan


    It’s a turtle 🐢 reserve beach. June, July & August are the months turtles cones to this beach to lay eggs. Around 80 to 120 eggs try lay. If one is lucky shall be able to see the laying of eggs. To understand the nature it’s a wonderful place to explore.

  • Angel Al Araimi

    Angel Al Araimi


    “Wonders Awaits You” Had stayed for a night and this destination is a precious gem. The resort was very welcoming and the guides very informative. Overall the Turtles Reserve is a place you have to travel in your lifetime. If you want to see the turtle watching at one of the recognized places like Ras Al Jinz Reserve you have to reserve in advance. You cannot just walk in. Besides, usually October is the recommended month.

  • Rithambhra Garg

    Rithambhra Garg


    this place is amazing. at night tour we saw 4 giant turtles who come to the beach to lay eggs. rooms are amazing. staff is very helpful.

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