Turtle Beach Resort OM

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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OmanTurtle Beach Resort


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kontakter telefon: +968 9900 7709
internet side: www.tbroman.com
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Latitude: 22.531772, Longitude: 59.7608701

kommentar 5

  • Jayant S K

    Jayant S K


    Nice private beach with entry fee. Fabulous location

  • Ahmed Said

    Ahmed Said


    Nice place to relax and enjoy a peaceful time

  • Yousuf Al Balushi

    Yousuf Al Balushi


    Magic. And wonderfull place to relax. great location, really pleasant and clean rooms, good and pleasant staff.

  • Lars McKay

    Lars McKay


    Very relaxing place with excellent staff. Clean basic rooms. Turtle location is around a 20min drive and easy to find. Well worth getting up early for the 4:30am guided visit. There is another session at 8pm which we never did due to it being rather dark for non- flash photography. Please be very careful where you stand.....turtle nests everywhere. We visited on the 1st of August and seen nesting and hatching, amazing!... Please take personal responsibility for your waste plastics.

  • Magic albawadi

    Magic albawadi


    Nice palce to live during holidays. Now summer and less people are around, so it can be special for privacy. Beach view.. Stone Beach

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